Feelings over logic

When I was in my 20s, I suffered like most young men who struggle to attract women sexually with the habit of trying to convince the opposite sex logically to become attracted to me. I also did this through dishonesty and manipulation. Trying to convince her that we had the same interests, trying to manipulate…

Let Go – WTF does this mean?

There comes a time in every coach’s life when he says to a student: “you just gotta let go” The problem with this is that it means a hell of a lot to the teacher (who has experienced letting go) but nothing to the student (who -you’ve guessed it- hasn’t). Even if you go on…

The Blame Game

The second in my series – yes, it seems to be a series now – about why some people progress quicker, and this time, it’s the blame game. I’ve done a bit of teaching in my time, not only this caper but in the classroom too, and there’s an element which separates the greats from…

Why is this taking so long?

After a conversation with a student the other day, the question came up: why does this take longer for some than others? I think the answer to this is as varied as the people themselves. But there is a central element which is vital to rapid success, and it can be summarised like this: Less…

“Offline Dating… Leave us the fuck alone”

http://metro.co.uk/2015/07/14/no-we-dont-want-to-try-offline-dating-the-internet-is-fine-now-leave-us-the-f-alone-5296186/ It’s this kind of article which really encourages me to do what I do. There is a great issue of catcalling and objectification in our culture. I recognise it and have written about it before. I’ll start with this quote from the article: The problem with this video, though, is that it romanticises a…

Experience is more important than knowledge

During a lesson the other day I was reminded of a most important message which is often neglected. The belief among many seems to be that you learn a lot of theory, then you apply it to the real world, and everything will go smoothly. That’s why people study theory and theory and theory… then…

Bring the club to the day

Already by doing this malarkey we’re doing something odd, by which I mean something unusual. But that’s no bad thing! Most of what’s “usual” about society is perverse, unnatural and a little insane once you look at it objectively (that’s a long story… which I’m working on!) One of these aspects is that there seems…

Fear and Loathing in Piccadilly Circus

Be yourself It’s one of the most contentious commands out there when it comes to advice. I’ve often thought it strange – one person commanding another person what to be, and commanding the other person to be what the other person is. I suppose it’s shorthand for “behave like yourself” or “act without social filters”.…

Isn’t this just harassment?

I’ve been asked that question by two journalists, a few onlookers and some TV production people. I was prompted to write this post after two girls that I’m seeing (both I’ve been with for over a year) happened to be harassed just before I met up with them. In both cases the problem was the…

Questions or statements?

When you’re attempting to create a one-size-fits-all blueprint you’re bound to make a load of generalisations. The trouble is that a lot of misguided apprentices out there take these as gospel. Such is the case with the obsession over making statements all the time. In an attempt to avoid boring interview questions a lot of…